Lobbying and Governmental Affairs

Lobbying and Governmental Affairs
Reid LeBeau
Nichole Ramalingam
Mitch Berggren
Nick Zerwas
The breadth and depth of our lobbyists’ experience gives them unique insight into legislative and administrative agencies at the tribal, state, and federal levels, which enables them to prosecute matters and resolve problems quickly and efficiently for their clients. For over 30 years, our lobbyists have worked in intergovernmental relations for our clients. We have:
- Negotiated federal legislation and state agreements regarding gaming;
- Negotiated federal legislation restoring tribal lands and securing just compensation for prior takings;
- Analyzed state and federal legislation;
- Advised clients on the impact of that legislation, and advocated amendments that would benefit our clients; and
- Prepared testimony and commentary for presentations before tribal, state, and federal bodies and comments on proposed legislation and agency rules.
We have worked effectively with state and federal bureaucracies to achieve clients’ objectives, whether the goal is to secure or prevent agency action. We have cultivated strong working relationships with state officials around the nation and legislators in D.C. to ensure our clients’ goals are realized.